Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010


1. music
enjoy music obvious has many benefits. one among others, can be made as well-being therapy to increase or repair physical condition, emotion, cognate and social for individual from various age circle. for person wells, music therapy can be used to decrease stres by listen or perfoming castanets likes drum. besides restrain stres, music therapy can also watch over and menigkat well-being, memory, communication ability and speed up physical rehabilitation.
2. art
for example art therapy paints, also can to help to overcome stres. small brush and colourful paint will bring somebody likely will enter world other. you can express sad taste, depress and stres. via also somebody can wipe off all sadness and creat description - description that make it to return to felt happy, arouse beautiful times ever at the natural with people who is loved. art therapy uses activities has creative to help somebody overcomes emotional conflict, build self cognizance and increase self confidence taste. many chronic disease sufferers that has difficulty in expresses to have cold feet and the emotion
3. nutrition
stes can botch body natural defense and activate hormone stres that can decrease nutrition and body energy reservist. to help body so that strong face stres, you necessary consuming many foods from complex carbohydrate group, brown rice for example, pasta, wheat bread, with pod, fruits and vegetable. nerve and also want vitamin rich food b to overcomes exhaustion that evoked by stres.
4. laugh
look to laugh really activities usually. but don't consider unimportant affair laughs. since hundreds last year laugh known has medical effect towards human well-being. can decrease even overcome stres. one who can laugh spontaneous can not experience stres. hence disturbance stres effective overcome with therapy laughs regularly. when does somebody laugh, the body will produce good substance will like melantonin, endorphin, and serotonin that depress capisol, adrenalin with free radical. according to gradually body will feel relaks on a long term and make glad taste. length range effect, prevent cancer and make easy durable.

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