Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

10 tips demote heavy body

1. lessen carbohydrate (rice, bread, etc) and koid fat (gorengan, coconut milk).
but don't you eliminate carbohydrate from portions eats you because permanent carbohydrate is wanted body, only not too much.

2. for portions eats you from 3 be 6 times a day.
hah? kok can? of course you must make it to be half portions every time eats. then 3 between eat addition unnecessary use rice,  but fruit or milk non fat.
3. koid sugar in your drink!
drink that bring at most sugar troop soft drink. very suggested to doesn't drink this drink again. always is asking mineral water if you are eating out. occasionally sweet tea to pelega stills it doesn't matter.
4. eat most recently 2-3 clock before sleep
because fat begins to congested moment you sleep,  and if you eat before sleep so will be soft target for fat heaping. if you are hungry, better drink milk non fat or wrp or a kind of it.
5. not again gorengan, change with burn or boiled
but be careful, usually chicken burns to smeared oil. best, you say formerly to ripe, don't wear oil yes.
6. practice kardio (jogging, run, swim, jump string, treadmill)
this type of will make you will burn fat that congest successfully. do routinely every day.
7. morning beautiful to practise
will practise in morning effectiveer, because your stomach empty and of course prima facie burning will take from your fat.
8. walk that well
try you can walk if the distance not too far. and or when is there choice between escalator or ladder, choose ladder! otherwise at mall of course usually there's only escalator, but can you angle with then walk at escalator.
9. rest sufficient
good breathing space 8 clocks a day. don't more don't less.
10. live it up you

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